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Status: Completed
Aired: 9. 1. 2013 - 9. 1. 2013
Studio: Unknown
Description: 1. <b>Joseph no Tsuisou</b> (ジョセフへの追想2. <b>Kaze Hikaru (first chapter</b> (風光る3. <b>Family! (first chapter</b> (ファミリー!4. <b>Family! (thirteenth chapter</b> (ファミリー!5. <b>Koibumi -love letter-</b> (恋文―love letter―6. <b>Kichi Kichi</b> (キチキチ7. <b>Boku no Mune mo Atsuku Naru</b> (僕の胸も熱くなる8. <b>Juuyon no Sketch</b> (十四の風景