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Status: Completed
Aired: 7. 1. 2013 - 7. 1. 2013
Studio: Unknown
Description: 1. <b>Megami ga Ochita Hi</b> (女神が落ちた日2. <b>Yonin no Onna</b> (4人の女3. <b>Kiri no Ie</b> (霧の家4. <b>Fukou Sakka to Yobaretai</b> (不幸作家と呼ばれたい5. <b>Kanojo wa Dare wo Koroshita ka</b> (彼女は誰を殺したか6. <b>Kinezukan</b> (きねづかん7. <b>Odoru Kyoushitsu</b> (踊る教室