Description:From the author of the popular Twitter comic to serialized hit "Mechanical Buddy Universe" Takuji Kato, here’s a large collection of his other viral works from social media!<BR><BR>Including<BR>Her Regretful Days of Killing Time (彼女が堕ちた暇潰しの日々<BR>Magical Girl Akirara ☆ (魔法少女あキララ☆<BR>Isekai Hero G-Shine (異世界勇者<BR>The Tale of the E.L.F. Forest ( エルフロイド森聖国物語<BR>Girls That Get It (わかってるガール<BR>Combat Support AI 'GAL' (戦闘支援AI『GAL]<BR>Puppet Ninja Kougetsu (からくり忍者甲月<BR>Suckers Death Game (サッカーズデスゲーム<BR>Poker-Face Junior (無表情な後輩ちゃん<BR>Captain (団長<BR>and more...!MANGA UP! Global