Isekai de Saikyou no Tsue ni Tensei shita Ore ga Iyagaru Shoujo wo Muriyari Mahou Shoujo ni P suru!
Rating: 52
Status: Completed
Aired: 11. 3. 2017 - 12. 3. 2019
Studio: Unknown
Description:Niimi Reiji is a huge fan of a widely popular mahou shoujo TV animation series "Magical Girl ☆ Charming Luluna". One day he died while saving his friend's daughter and suddenly reincarnated in another world, but in the form of a magical wand! He meets a girl similar to "Luluna" his favorite character, and with his magic power transformed (forced her into a "Magical Girl".The saga of a magical girl and her magical (physical power in another world start!
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