Description:1. <b>Takeyashiki Shimai, Miyaburareru</b> (竹屋敷姉妹、みやぶられる2. <b>Matsuri Connection</b> (まつりコネクションAbout a shut-in girl and a dwarf alien, who lives on her head.3. <b>Imasara Fantasy</b> (今更ファンタジー, Too Late for FantasyWhen given a magic lamp, 37-year-old Tohru Sugamo wishes for his childhood dream to come true and gains all the powers he thought up once upon a time as a wannabe novelist, but it turns out an eighth grader's ideas aren't the most original - or the kinds of things you'd want causing havoc in your married life.4. <b>Enigma Viking</b> (エニグマバイキング5. <b>Kyomu wo Yuku</b> (虚無をゆく, Walking the VoidWhen Amada Yuu was a child, the apartments were his entire world. When he learned the truth, the infinite void stretching outside would come to reside inside him as well. Japanese Publisher, translated
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Related to Satoshi Mizukami Tanpenshuu "Hourou Sekai"